基本上每一种编程语言都会支持多线程,这里我们只讲C/C++,C/C++是真正的native language。
- Posix Threads(pthread): 对不同platform的支持很好,你可以非常稳定可靠的使用,如果想让你的代码可移植性非常强的话,使用
- std::thread: 是从C++11中引入,在不同的平台上表现各异,比如在一些Android和Win64平台下不支持,或者有性能瓶颈,当然了如果你的代码只是考虑到Linux/gcc平台编译器的话,是个不错的选择,特别是对C++11的类非常友好
- boost::thread: 对
这里,还是采用基于Posix Threads
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| static Result ThreadManager::create(ThreadManager** ppInstance, const char* pName); void destroy(); Result registerJobFamily(JobFunc jobFuncAddr, const char* pJobFuncName, JobHandle* phJob); Result unregisterJobFamily(JobFunc jobFuncAddr, const char* pJobFuncName, JobHandle* phJob); Result postJob(JobHandle hJob, void* pData, uint64_t requestId); Result removeJob(JobHandle hJob, void* pData); Result getAllPostedJobs(JobHandle hJob, std::vector<void*>& rPostedJobs); Result flushJob(JobHandle hJob, bool forceFlush); bool isJobAvailable(JobHandle hJob);
| typedef uint64 JobHandle;
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| struct RegisteredJob { JobFunc funcAddr; char name[MaxNameLength]; bool isUsed; uint64_t hRegister; uint32_t slot; uint32_t uniqueCounter; OSThreadHandle hRegisteredThread; JobFlushStatus flushStatus; };
typedef void* (*JobFunc)(void* pArg); typedef pthread_t OSThreadHandle;
static const JobFlushStatus Noflush = 0; static const JobFlushStatus FlushRequested = 1; static const JobFlushStatus Flushed = 2;
- funcAddr: 是注册的Job的工作函数
- name: 是注册的Job的名称
- isUsed: 该Job是否已经被使用
- hRegister: 注册的Job的handle值,通过slot和count组合而成
- slot: 注册的Job的slot
- uniqueCounter: 注册的Job的id号
- hRegisteredThread: 注册的线程的句柄
- flushStatus: flush的状态值
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| struct RuntimeJob { uint64_t hJob; void* pData; uint64_t requestId; JobStatus status; }; enum class JobStatus { Submitted, Ready, OnHold, Stopped, Invalid, };
- hJob: Job的handle唯一标识
- pData: 工作函数携带的私有数据
- requestId: 请求id号,可以通过requestId号来重排PendingQueue中任务的优先级
- status: 工作状态
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| struct ThreadControl { NativeMutex* pThreadLock; NativeMutex* pFlushJobSubmitLock; NativeMutex* pQueueLock; NativeMutex* pFlushLock; NativeCondition* pReadOK; NativeCondition* pFlushOK; CoreStatus status; volatile bool jobPending; volatile uint32_t blockingStatus; bool isAvailable; }; static const CoreStatus Error = 0; static const CoreStatus Initialized = 1; static const CoreStatus Stopped = 2;
- pThreadLock: 确保线程依次运行,不被抢占
- pFlushJobSubmitLock: 保护flashStatus
- pQueueLock: 保护PendingQueue数据
- pFlushLock: 保护flash状态
- pReadOK: 等待线程被触发信号
- pFlushOK: 等待线程被释放信号
- status: 线程的状态值
- jobPending: 任务队列是否空闲
- blockingStatus: 确保线程释放完成
- isAvailable: 线程是否空闲
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| struct ThreadData { std::deque<RuntimeJob*> pq; };
struct ThreadConfig { uint32_t threadId; OSThreadHandle hWorkThread; JobFunc workThreadFunc; void* pContext; ThreadData data; ThreadControl ctrl; bool isUsed; };
- threadId: 线程ID号
- hWorkThread: 线程句柄
- workThreadFunc: 线程回调函数
- pContext: 上下文句柄,通常为ThreadManager指针
- data: 挂载在该线程上的等待队列
- ctrl: 线程控制类
- isUsed: 该线程是否被使用
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| char m_name[MaxNameLength]; uint32_t m_totalNumOfRegisteredJob; RegisteredJob m_registeredJobs[MaxRegisteredJobs]; ThreadConfig m_threadWorker[MaxNumThread]; NativeMutex* m_pRegisteredJobLock;
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| Result ThreadManager::create(ThreadManager** ppInstance, const char* pName) { Result result = -EFailed; ThreadManager* pLocalInstance = NULL;
pLocalInstance = new ThreadManager(); if(NULL != pLocalInstance) { result = pLocalInstance->initialize(pName); if(Ok != result) { delete pLocalInstance; pLocalInstance = NULL; LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create threadmanager" << endl; } } if(Ok == result) { *ppInstance = pLocalInstance; } return result; }
Result ThreadManager::initialize(const char* pName) { Result result = Ok; if(NULL == pName) { pName = "ThreadManager"; } ::strncpy(m_name, pName, sizeof(m_name)); m_pRegisteredJobLock = NativeMutex::create(); if(NULL == m_pRegisteredJobLock) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize " << pName << endl; result = -EFailed; } else { ::memset(&m_registeredJobs, 0x00, sizeof(m_registeredJobs)); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumThread; i++) { m_threadWorker[i].threadId = 0; m_threadWorker[i].workThreadFunc = NULL; m_threadWorker[i].pContext = NULL; ::memset(&m_threadWorker[i].ctrl, 0x00, sizeof(ThreadControl)); m_threadWorker[i].isUsed = false; } }
return result; }
ThreadManager::~ThreadManager() { Result result = Ok;
if(m_totalNumOfRegisteredJob > 0) { RegisteredJob* pRegisteredJob = NULL; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxRegisteredJobs; i++) { pRegisteredJob = &m_registeredJobs[i]; if(0 != pRegisteredJob->hRegister) { result = unregisterJobFamily(NULL, pRegisteredJob->name, pRegisteredJob->hRegister); if(Ok != result) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to process unregisterJobFamily slot " << pRegisteredJob->slot << endl; } } } } m_pRegisteredJobLock->destroy(); m_pRegisteredJobLock = NULL; }
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| Result ThreadManager::registerJobFamily(JobFunc jobFuncAddr, const char* pJobFuncName, JobHandle* phJob) { Result result = Ok; uint32_t slot = 0; uint32_t count = 0; RegisteredJob* pRegisteredJob = NULL;
bool jobAlreadyRegistered = isJobAlreadyRegistered(phJob); bool freeSlotsAvailable = isFreeSlotAvailable(&slot, &count);
if((true == jobAlreadyRegistered) || (false == freeSlotsAvailable)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to registerJobFamily, jobAlreadyRegistered: " << jobAlreadyRegistered << ", freeSlotsAvailable: " << freeSlotsAvailable << endl; result = -EFailed; } if(Ok == result) { pRegisteredJob = &m_registeredJobs[slot]; ::memset(pRegisteredJob, 0x00, sizeof(RegisteredJob)); pRegisteredJob->funcAddr = jobFuncAddr; pRegisteredJob->slot = slot; pRegisteredJob->uniqueCounter = count; pRegisteredJob->isUsed = true;
::strncpy(pRegisteredJob->name, pJobFuncName, MaxNameLength); *phJob = packJobHandleFromRegisteredJob(pRegisteredJob); pRegisteredJob->hRegister = *phJob; result = startThreads(slot, phJob); if(Ok == result) { if(0 != pRegisteredJob->hRegisteredThread) { setFlushStatus(*phJob, Noflush); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get thread handle" << endl; result = -EFailed; } } } return result; }
JobHandle packJobHandleFromRegisteredJob(RegisteredJob* pRegisteredJob) { JobHandle handle = InvalidJobHandle; handle = pRegisteredJob->uniqueCounter; handle = handle << 32; handle |= pRegisteredJob->slot; return handle; }
Result ThreadManager::startThreads(uint32_t slot, JobHandle* phJob) { RegisteredJob* pRegisteredJob = getJobByHandle(*phJob); Result result = Ok; ThreadConfig* pCfg = NULL; pCfg = &m_threadWorker[slot];
if((NULL == pRegisteredJob) || (pCfg->isUsed == true)) { result = -EFailed; } else { pCfg->threadId = pRegisteredJob->uniqueCounter; pCfg->workThreadFunc = workerThreadBody; pCfg->ctrl.pReadOK = NativeCondition::create(); pCfg->ctrl.pThreadLock = NativeMutex::create(); pCfg->ctrl.pFlushJobSubmitLock = NativeMutex::create(); pCfg->ctrl.pQueueLock = NativeMutex::create(); pCfg->ctrl.pFlushOK = NativeCondition::create(); pCfg->ctrl.pFlushLock = NativeMutex::create(); pCfg->ctrl.isAvailable = true; pCfg->pContext = reinterpret_cast<void*>(this); pCfg->isUsed = true;
if((NULL == pCfg->ctrl.pReadOK) || (NULL == pCfg->ctrl.pThreadLock) || (NULL == pCfg->ctrl.pFlushJobSubmitLock) || (NULL == pCfg->ctrl.pQueueLock)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't read lock resource. slot " << slot << " m_totalNumOfRegisteredJob " << m_totalNumOfRegisteredJob << endl; pCfg->isUsed = false; result = -EFailed; } if(Ok == result) { result = OsUtils::threadCreate(pCfg->workThreadFunc, pCfg, &pCfg->hWorkThread); if(Ok == result) { pRegisteredJob->hRegisteredThread = pCfg->hWorkThread; pCfg->ctrl.pThreadLock->lock(); setStatus(&pCfg->ctrl, Initialized); pCfg->ctrl.pThreadLock->unlock(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create worker thread, logical threadId " << pCfg->threadId << endl; pCfg->isUsed = false; result = -EFailed; } } } return result; }
void* ThreadManager::workerThreadBody(void* pArg) { ThreadConfig* pConfig = NULL; pConfig = reinterpret_cast<ThreadConfig*>(pArg); if(NULL != pConfig) { ThreadManager* pThreadManager = reinterpret_cast<ThreadManager*>(pConfig->pContext); pThreadManager->doWork(pArg); }
return NULL; }
void* ThreadManager::doWork(void* pArg) { Result result = Ok; ThreadConfig* pConfig = NULL; ThreadControl* pCtrl = NULL;
pConfig = reinterpret_cast<ThreadConfig*>(pArg); pCtrl = &pConfig->ctrl;
if(NULL == pCtrl) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start" << endl; } else { pCtrl->pThreadLock->lock(); while(Stopped != getStatus(pCtrl)) { while((Stopped != getStatus(pCtrl)) && (false == pCtrl->jobPending)) { pCtrl->pReadOK->wait(pCtrl->pThreadLock->getNativeHandle()); } if(Stopped != getStatus(pCtrl)) { pCtrl->jobPending = false; pCtrl->pThreadLock->unlock(); } result = processJobQueue(pConfig); if(true == getFlushBlockStatus(pCtrl)) { pCtrl->pFlushLock->lock(); setFlushBlockStatus(pCtrl, false); pCtrl->pFlushOK->signal(); pCtrl->pFlushLock->unlock(); } pCtrl->pThreadLock->lock(); if(Ok != result) { LOG(ERROR) << "ProcessJobQueue failed with result" << endl; } } pCtrl->pThreadLock->unlock(); } return NULL; }
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| Result ThreadManager::postJob(JobHandle hJob, void* pData, uint64_t requestId) { RuntimeJob* pRuntimeJob = NULL; Result result = Ok; ThreadControl* pCtrl = NULL; pCtrl = getThreadControlByHandle(hJob); if(NULL == pCtrl) { LOG(ERROR) << "pCtrl is null" << endl; result = -EFailed; } else { if(Initialized != getStatus(pCtrl)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Thread is not initialized threadId" << endl; result = -EFailed; } else { void* vbuf = malloc(sizeof(RuntimeJob)); ::memset(vbuf, 0x00, sizeof(RuntimeJob)); pRuntimeJob = reinterpret_cast<RuntimeJob*>(vbuf); if(NULL != pRuntimeJob) { pRuntimeJob->hJob = hJob; pRuntimeJob->requestId = requestId; pRuntimeJob->pData = pData;
pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->lock(); result = addToPriorityQueue(pRuntimeJob); pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->unlock();
if(Ok != result) { LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't add job to Priority Queue" << endl; } else { result = trigger(hJob); if(Ok != result) { LOG(ERROR) << "Filed to trigger" << endl; } } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create runtimejob out of memory" << endl; result = -ENoMemory; } } } if(result == Ok) { pCtrl->isAvailable = false; } return result; }
Result ThreadManager::trigger(JobHandle hJob) { Result result = Ok; ThreadControl* pCtrl = NULL;
pCtrl = getThreadControlByHandle(hJob); if(NULL == pCtrl) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get threadctrl " << pCtrl << endl; result = -EFailed; } else { pCtrl->pThreadLock->lock(); pCtrl->jobPending = true; pCtrl->pThreadLock->unlock(); pCtrl->pReadOK->signal(); }
return result; }
Result ThreadManager::processJobQueue(void* pCfg) { uint32_t result = Ok; ThreadConfig* pConfig = NULL; ThreadControl* pCtrl = NULL; ThreadData* pData = NULL; RuntimeJob* pJob = NULL; bool isQueued = false;
pConfig = reinterpret_cast<ThreadConfig*>(pCfg); pCtrl = &pConfig->ctrl; pData = &pConfig->data;
pCtrl->pQueueLock->lock(); if(false == pData->pq.empty()) { isQueued = true; } pCtrl->pQueueLock->unlock(); while(true == isQueued) { pCtrl->pQueueLock->lock(); pJob = pData->pq.front(); if(NULL != pJob) { switch(pJob->status) { case JobStatus::Submitted: if(FlushRequested == getFlushStatus(pJob->hJob)) { pJob->status = JobStatus::Stopped; } else if(Noflush == getFlushStatus(pJob->hJob)) { pJob->status = JobStatus::Ready; } break; case JobStatus::Stopped: break; default: break; } pData->pq.pop_front(); pCtrl->pQueueLock->unlock();
if(pJob->status == JobStatus::Ready) { dispatchJob(pJob); } ::free(pJob); pJob = NULL; } pCtrl->pQueueLock->lock(); if(true == pData->pq.empty()) { isQueued = false; pCtrl->isAvailable = true; } pCtrl->pQueueLock->unlock(); } return result; }
void ThreadManager::dispatchJob(RuntimeJob* pJob) { JobFunc func = getJobFunc(pJob->hJob); if(NULL != func) { func(pJob->pData); } }
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| Result ThreadManager::removeJob(JobHandle hJob, void* pRemoveJobData) { Result result = Ok; ThreadData* pData = NULL; ThreadControl* pCtrl = NULL;
pData = getThreadDataByHandle(hJob); pCtrl = getThreadControlByHandle(hJob);
if((NULL == pData) || (NULL == pCtrl)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get threaddata or threadcontrol" << endl; result = -EFailed; } else { pCtrl->pQueueLock->lock(); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < pData->pq.size(); ++i) { RuntimeJob* pJob = pData->pq[i]; if(pRemoveJobData == pJob->pData) { pData->pq.erase(pData->pq.begin() + i); } } pCtrl->pQueueLock->unlock(); } return result; }
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| Result ThreadManager::flushJob(JobHandle hJob, bool forceFlush) { Result result = Ok; ThreadControl* pCtrl = getThreadControlByHandle(hJob);
if(NULL == pCtrl) { result = -EFailed; } else { if(Initialized != getStatus(pCtrl)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Thread is not initialized" << endl; result = -EFailed; } else { if(Noflush == getFlushStatus(hJob)) { pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->lock(); setFlushStatus(hJob, FlushRequested); pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->unlock(); setFlushBlockStatus(pCtrl, true); result = trigger(hJob); if(Ok == result) { pCtrl->pFlushLock->lock(); if(true == getFlushBlockStatus(pCtrl)) { pCtrl->pFlushOK->wait(pCtrl->pFlushLock->getNativeHandle()); } pCtrl->pFlushLock->unlock(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to trigger" << endl; } if(true == forceFlush) { pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->lock(); setFlushStatus(hJob, Noflush); pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->unlock(); } } } }
return result; }
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| Result ThreadManager::unregisterJobFamily(JobFunc jobFuncAddr, const char* pJobFuncName, JobHandle hJob) { Result result = -EFailed; RegisteredJob* pRegisteredJob = NULL;
m_pRegisteredJobLock->lock(); pRegisteredJob = getJobByHandle(hJob); if(true != isJobAlreadyRegistered(&hJob)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to unregister job " << pJobFuncName << " FuncAddr " << jobFuncAddr << " result " << result << endl;; } else if(NULL != pRegisteredJob) { uint32_t slot = pRegisteredJob->slot; result = stopThreads(hJob); if(Ok == result) { m_threadWorker[slot].data.pq.clear(); m_threadWorker[slot].data.pq.shrink_to_fit(); ::memset(&m_registeredJobs[slot], 0x00, sizeof(RegisteredJob)); m_threadWorker[slot].threadId = 0; m_threadWorker[slot].workThreadFunc = NULL; m_threadWorker[slot].pContext = NULL; ::memset(&m_threadWorker[slot].ctrl, 0x00, sizeof(ThreadControl)); m_threadWorker[slot].isUsed = false; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stop thread" << endl; } } m_pRegisteredJobLock->unlock();
return result; }
Result ThreadManager::stopThreads(JobHandle hJob) { Result result = Ok; ThreadConfig* pCfg = getThreadConfigByHandle(hJob); ThreadData* pData = getThreadDataByHandle(hJob); ThreadControl* pCtrl = getThreadControlByHandle(hJob);
if((NULL == pCfg) || (NULL == pData) || (NULL == pCtrl)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get threadconfig/threaddata/threadcontrol" << endl; result = -EFailed; } else { result = flushJob(hJob, false); pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->lock(); setFlushStatus(hJob, Noflush); pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->unlock();
pCtrl->pThreadLock->lock(); setStatus(pCtrl, Stopped); pCtrl->pReadOK->signal(); pCtrl->pThreadLock->unlock(); OsUtils::threadTerminate(pCfg->hWorkThread); pCtrl->pReadOK->destroy(); pCtrl->pReadOK = NULL; pCtrl->pThreadLock->destroy(); pCtrl->pThreadLock = NULL;
pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock->destroy(); pCtrl->pFlushJobSubmitLock = NULL;
pCtrl->pQueueLock->destroy(); pCtrl->pQueueLock = NULL;
pCtrl->pFlushLock->destroy(); pCtrl->pFlushLock = NULL;
pCtrl->pFlushOK->destroy(); pCtrl->pFlushLock = NULL; }
return result; }
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| ThreadManager* threadManager;
static void* testJobFunc(void* ptr) { StopWatch stopWatch("job"); int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime()); LOG(INFO) << "ElapsedMillis: " << elapsedMillis << endl; return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { google::InstallFailureSignalHandler(); google::InstallFailureWriter(&signalHandle);
ThreadManager::create(&threadManager, "TestThreadManager"); for(int i = 0; i < TEST_MAX_COUNT; i ++) { jobs[i] = InvalidJobHandle; threadManager->registerJobFamily(testJobFunc, "testJobFunc", &jobs[i]); string serviceName = StringUtils::stringFormat("service-%04d", i); services[i] = hub->getService(serviceName.c_str()); }
****for(int i = 0; i < TEST_MAX_COUNT; i ++) { counts[i] = i; threadManager->postJob(jobs[i], &counts[i], 0); }
return 0; }